All of our games gathered in a Plug & Play catalogue

Multilingual - Multiplayer - Multiverse


All the diversity of our collaborative VR experiences, with extraordinary environments and varied themes: enigma, escape game, shooting, zombie, platform, historical re-enactment... many adventures in hyper-reality, with new games published every year. 

In teams of 2 to 6, Players must use their brains, agility, mutual aid and curiosity to find clues, interact with objects, solve puzzles, avoid traps and explore to pass the challenges.  

Without wires or backpacks, enriched by physical 4D effects synchronised to the players' actions, our 4DVR games reach a highly attractive level of immersion. 

Created for the general public and companies looking for innovative leisure activities, the Delusion Collection is available for immediate integration and operation in your leisure centre without any franchise or entry fee.

Demande d'essai de licence de jeu

Pour obtenir licence de test, merci remplir notre formulaire. Vous pourrez prendre directement rendez-vous avec un des membres de notre équipe à la fin du questionnaire.

Game licence trial request

To obtain a test licence, please fill in our form. You can make an appointment directly with one of our team members at the end of the form.

Merci pour votre demande d'essai de JUMPERS VR.

Vous pouvez d’ores et déjà signer notre accord de confidentialité au lien suivant afin d’accélérer la mise à disposition de votre version de test.

Pour toute question, vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous avec nous au lien suivant.

Thank you for requesting a JUMPERS VR trial.

You can already sign our confidentiality agreement at the following link to speed up the delivery of your test version.

If you have any questions, please contact us below.