No franchise, no entry fee, a simple and transparent principle of revenue sharing
Everything is designed to open your room in less than a month
Optimised player turnover and experience renewal at no additional cost
A new and integrable attraction to build customer loyalty and diversify your offerings
We sell our VR game rooms and our catalogue of 4DVR experiences exclusively to entertainment professionals.
Nous proposons une approche simple, transparente et gagnant gagnant, pour vous permettre d’accélérer la rentabilité de votre attraction, et d’atteindre vos objectifs de ROI dans les 6 à 9 mois en moyenne après mise en service de votre salle.
Budgets and installations tailored to your specifications
Provision of all our 4DVR experiences with no franchise or entry fee
Simple and transparent revenue sharing principle based on monthly game sessions count
We take care of everything, from studying your project to getting your VR gaming room up and running in less than a month.
With a complete, accessible and functional 4DVR solution, consisting of our VR gaming rooms, our management software and our catalogue of games, we offer you all our know-how to speed up the financing of your project, to define the specifications of your VR room, to order your VR equipment, to implement your installations on site, to accompany you during commissioning and to enable you to run your attraction in complete autonomy.
An integrable and lucrative solution
One game per hour and up to 6 simultaneous players per game room with no preparation between sessions
No scenery or physical mechanisms, state-of-the-art VR hardware at cost price with a minimum 3 year lifespan.
Your installation allows you to host future games from our catalogue at no extra cost, with no additional work or equipment required
40m² is enough to create the illusion of moving in environments as vast as they are spectacular
New collaborative experiences for the general public and companies
Offer experiences that are impossible in real life
Complement your leisure services and develop new business verticals
Over time, we will add new experiences and exclusive cooperative challenges that will become even more immersive and replayable.
Pour obtenir licence de test, merci remplir notre formulaire. Vous pourrez prendre directement rendez-vous avec un des membres de notre équipe à la fin du questionnaire.
To obtain a test licence, please fill in our form. You can make an appointment directly with one of our team members at the end of the form.
Vous pouvez d’ores et déjà signer notre accord de confidentialité au lien suivant afin d’accélérer la mise à disposition de votre version de test.
Pour toute question, vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous avec nous au lien suivant.
You can already sign our confidentiality agreement at the following link to speed up the delivery of your test version.
If you have any questions, please contact us below.